In compliance with the articles 13 (for data collected from the interested party) and 14 (for data not collected from the interested party) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) the following information is provided to the Users of this Website, which refer exclusively to the treatment performed through said Website and not through other websites possibly visited via links from the present, for which it is suggested to read the relative information provided by the respective Owners






PI.DOM Srl con sede legale in Via Belladoro 15, 35010 – Cadoneghe (Padova), C.F/P.iva 05529430281, tel +39 049 962 4228 – mail

The Data Controller reserves the right to appoint a web agency as Data Controller for the purposes of technical assistance, maintenance, technical management and the like of this Site, the references of which may be communicated upon request to the addresses indicated above.
The Data Controller and the Data Controller process the Users’ data also thanks to their internal Data Processors, specially designated and equipped with instructions for the correct processing of personal data, also orally.


No one has been named

No one has been named


• Provision to Users of the web services offered by the Site
•Management of cookies
•Cart management
• Sending newsletters

• The personal data of the Users of the Website, as described above, will be processed in the ways and forms prescribed by the GDPR, for the performance of the Website’s own functions, with particular – but not exclusive – reference to the procedures described therein of data collection, contact form, possible registration procedure/ access reserved area, subscription to the newsletter (however, please refer to the specific privacy policy), purchase procedure and relative cart and similar.
• In particular, the personal data provided to the Data Controller will be processed for the pursuit of the following purposes:
– to follow up specific requests addressed to the Data Controller by the User through the Website and its communication tools (contact forms, information request forms and the like);
– for the possible subscription to the newsletter and the consequent sending of commercial and informative communications concerning the sector in which the Data Controller operates, with the specific consent given by the user by ticking the relevant box; for the forms of mere subscription to the newsletter please refer to the appropriate privacy policy published there;
– for informational communications relating to the services of the same Data Controller, following the request for information by e-mail or filling in the contact form and other communication tools;
– for the registration procedure for the purchase of products and services or, in cases where registration is not required, in any case for the shopping cart procedure where you enter the data relating to the delivery of the goods and tax profiles of billing or similar;
– for other purposes ancillary or linked to those indicated above and in any case falling within the scope of the activities of the Website;
– for the processing of the e-mail address, provided by the interested party in the context of the sale of a product or service, also aimed at sending, without further consent, communications for the subsequent direct sale of products or services similar to those covered by the sale itself; the interested party may in any case express his refusal and oppose such processing, both initially and subsequently, easily and free of charge, following the instructions given in each subsequent communication.
• The processing of the data provided in general will be carried out, also as a result of automatic collection during navigation, for the sole purpose of ascertaining and controlling access to the Website. This also applies to technical cookies, such as session cookies, functionality cookies or analytics that meet the requirements specified by the Guarantor. In particular, regarding the latter, it is clarified that they can be assimilated to technical cookies where these are made and used directly by the Website. In any case, for said analytics cookies, the Website, also in accordance with the clarifications of the Guarantor, has provided for the anonymization of IP addresses and the collection and use of the aforementioned navigation data (without prejudice to the anonymization of IP addresses) allow the monitoring of the performance of the Website and allow to improve the service offered, offering the User a better browsing experience. Please refer to the cookie policy for further information


• consent
• fulfillment of a contractual or social contact obligation
• information

The processing of personal data is based on the right to information, on the fulfillment of contractual or social contact obligations, or where necessary on consent through the free and conscious compilation of the appropriate information fields in the dedicated form.


• Exercise of information society rights
• Execution of the service by the Owner
• Direct Marketing

The processing of personal data is also based on the legitimate interest of the Data Controller, such as the exercise of one’s rights in the context of the information society, the execution of the contractual performance and the implementation of direct marketing operations.


• Some data are mandatory, others are optional, depending on the purpose of the treatment which will be specifically indicated from time to time.
• See More information for a complete explanation of our policy.

The provision of data relating to navigation by Users, for the purposes mentioned above, depends on the degree of privacy that the User has enabled or disabled through their browser. In some cases, disabling may affect your browsing of this Website. For certain forms of this Website, the provision of navigation data and/or the use of technical cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of the Website.
The provision of some personal data is in any case necessary for the very structure of the Website and its procedures. In particular, by way of example:
–for sending messages via contact form or for subscribing to the newsletter, the minimum data required there are in any case mandatory, such as USERNAME and/or name/surname and/or e-mail address and/or other identifying data of the sender;
–for registration and access to the reserved area of the Website, in any case, the USERNAME and PASSWORD are mandatory, as well as other data related to the e-commerce procedure, such as name/surname/name, the address and address for the delivery of the products/services to be purchased, the tax code/VAT number and similar as described in the specific purchase form. Failing that, the procedure itself cannot be completed.
Any request for other optional data will be preceded by a special approval check.
The provision of all other data is permitted, in accordance with the type of information that the User wishes to provide to the Website.


• Failure to receive commercial information

Failure to provide personal data prevents the Data Controller from sending updates on its commercial and promotional initiatives.


• Communication: YES
• Recipients: partner companies and consultants of the Data Controller
• Intra EU transfer: YES
• Transfer outside the EU: YES (under the Privacy Shield regime)

The data may be communicated to related companies, affiliated or controlled by the Data Controller, as well as to consultants, or even to third parties that operate, also in the name and account of the Data Controller, for the evasion of services related to the purposes indicated in this statement, both within and outside the EU (in the latter case, they will be exclusively parties to the Privacy Shield protocol).
Browsing and similar data (referred to above), as well as profiling cookies of third parties (referred to the Cookie Policy of this Website), which will be communicated to the respective third parties concerned, where these do not manage them directly as Data Controllers.


• Until revoked
• Until the execution of the duties

The data provided by the interested party will be stored until the express revocation by the interested party, also by action on your browser, cleaning of cookies, express request or otherwise manifested.
The navigation data will be stored for the technical time necessary for the completion of the functions for which they were collected.


Rights (artt. 15 – 22 GDPR):
• access
• rectification
• cancellation
• limitation
• portability
Forms and terms of exercise: art. 12 GDPR
Via e-mail

Each data subject has the right of access, rectification, cancellation (oblivion), limitation, receipt of notification in the event of rectification, cancellation or limitation, portability, opposition and not to be subject to an automated individual decision, including profiling, pursuant to art. 15 to 22 of the GDPR.
These rights can be exercised in the forms and terms referred to in art. 12 GDPR, by written communication sent to the Data Controller by e-mail to
The Data Controller will respond as soon as possible and in any case within the period of 1 month from receipt of the request.


• via e-mail
• at the headquarters

You can revoke this consent at any time via
• sending an email to the Owner’s address
• express communication at the registered office of the Data Controller.


Complaint (art. 77 GDPR):
• to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data

Each data subject has the right to lodge a complaint pursuant to art. 77 and following of the GDPR to a supervisory authority, which for the Italian State is identified in the Guarantor for the protection of personal data.
The forms, methods and time limits for the submission of complaints are provided for and governed by national law in force.
The complaint is without prejudice to administrative and judicial actions, which for the Italian State can propose themselves alternately to the same Guarantor or to the competent Court.


  • NO

The personal data provided with this form will not be profiled.
Profiling allows the Data Controller to evaluate certain personal aspects of the Data Subject relating in particular to his preferences, his interests, his tastes with reference to the products sold and the activities carried out by the Data Controller, in order to allow the Data Controller to offer the Data Subject a sales service more specific and targeted to its needs.

Vat number 05529430281

Head office:
via Belladoro, 25 – 35010 Cadoneghe (Padova)

Tel: 049 962 4228

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